Kathleen O'Neill

BOO Arts Productions, LLC.

 Shelter – N. 1. something that serves as a shield or barrier against attack, danger, heat,wind, etc. 2. A structure built to keep rain, etc. off people. 3. Refuge, a shielded condition. 

V. 1. to provide with shelter. 2. to protect from blame or trouble or competition. 3. to find or take shelter.

Synonyms – refuge, retreat, sanctuary, asylum; cover, security, protection, safety, covering, defense



In a TV Cop drama the police station is the heart of the series. In my TV series about women and domestic violence the Shelter is the heart of the series. While each individual has a separate story the issue is the same and it is time to explore its dynamics.


Stories have been gathered from across the country, put together and set at a new kind of shelter in New York City.


I believe by seeing these stories we become more open and informed about the issues that keep domestic violence ever present in our society and across the world.