Kathleen O'Neill

BOO Arts Productions, LLC.

Shocked by the discovery of her adoption, a young woman boldly


heads to Colombia to find her birth family, only to face a perilous showdown


when her adoptive family pursues her.

My Mother Es Mi Madre

My Mother Es Mi Madre is a feature length dramedy that follows Jess’s journey through the loss of her identity, the uniting with her birth family, its impact on her adoptive family and the effect of the two families colliding.


All that matters to Jess is that she finds the truth of who she is. She doesn’t consider what it might do to others.


Her birth mother slams the door in her face and Jess returns the next day even more determined to gain entry. The initial obstacles to finding her identity and her birth mother pale in comparison to bringing the two families together.


The McHales, her adoptive parents, believe that Jess was the gift that made their thriving family possible. Jess is the “leader of the pack.”


The Colons, Jessica’s birth parents, believe the baby died at birth and have never discussed it with their two sons. It is a private wound, a deep scar running through the family that is ripped open with the ring of a doorbell.


The meeting of the McHale and the Colon families results in revelations for everyone.


If Jess exposes a lie will she reveal the truth or destroy a family?

By the time she realizes what she has done is it too late?

What is the domino effect of grappling with truth?